Here are some everyday excercises that I thought you might enjoy.
Everyday Exercises
Jump Rope
- Start with the jump rope in each hand.
- Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet.
- Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope under your feet.
- When you are jumping and the rope is above your head swing your legs out to the side and return your feet together before the rope swings under your feet again.
- Continue for 45 seconds.
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Bench Dip - Sit on a bench or flat chairs and place hands hip width apart with fingers pointing forward. Place feet on the opposite bench or chair with legs straight.
- Start position: Slide glutes off bench with elbows slightly bent.
- Lower your body by bending the elbows until elbows are at 90 degree angle.
- Return to start position.
8 Count Body Builders - Start in a standing position and bend your knees and place your hands on the ground.
- Extend your legs back into a push up position.
- Bring your knees back in towards chest and stand up.
- This should be a continuous exercise.
One legged squat with bar - Hold the end of the balance bar or chair.
- Pick one leg up off the floor and balance on one foot while you're holding the bar or chair.
- While using the bar for balance squat down into a 1/4-1/2 squat.
- Return to the starting position and repeat for 45 second.
- Repeat with the other leg.
Stationary Bodyweight Lunge - Stand with feet width apart. Take your left leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of the foot.
- Start position: Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position. Place hands on hips.
- Lower your body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to the floor. Body should follow a straight line down towards the floor.
- Return to start position. Alternate or switch to other leg after 45 seconds.
- Remember to keep head back, and hips squared and in a neutral position throughout movement.
Opposite Arm Oposite Leg Raise - Start by placing yourself on your hands and knees.
- Slowly raise your opposite arm and opposite leg and extend them away from the body.
- Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.
- Keep the movement slow and controlled.
Side Bridge - Start on your side and press up with your right arm.
- Form a bridge with your arm extended and hold for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Seated Fast Arms - Starting Position: Seated on the floor with the legs straight out in front of you.
- Swing arms in a sprinting motion. Elbows should be kept at 90 degrees and keep your hands relaxed.
- Your hands should come up to shoulder height and should go past your hips in the back.
- Swing your arms faster.
Toe Touch with balance disc - Start by sitting on the ground with your legs extended in a V-formation.
- Keep your back flat twist and reach with your right hand toward your opposite foot.
- Repeat with the other hand.
Hip Thrusts - Lie on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees at the hip.
- Slowly lift your hips off the floor and towards the ceiling.
- Lower your hips to the floor.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.
Flutter Kicks - Lie back on the floor with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
- Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
- Start position: Straighten both legs so they are perpendicular to floor.
- Slowly lower one leg to approximately 45-90°.
- Return to start position and repeat with other leg.
Air Bike Crunches - Lie on your back with your hands behind your back and thighs bent 90 degrees at your hip.
- Simultaneously curl your right shoulder and left knee up towards the center of your body until your elbow and knee touch. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.
Oblique Crunch - Start by placing your left foot over your right knee and place your hands behind your head.
- Lift your shoulders up off the ground and twist so that your right elbows tries to touc your left knee.
- Return to the starting position and repeat for 45 seconds.
- Repeat with the other side.
Scissors - Start by lying on your side and raising both legs slightly off the ground.
- Proceed to kick your legs in opposite directions in a scissor type motion.
- Repeat for 45 seconds and then switch sides.
Pretzel Twist - Sit in upright position.
- Bring your left knee up and place your foot on the other side of your right leg. Place your right elbow on the outside of your left knee. Gently rotate trunk to side so your body is facing entirely to a side.
- Hold for 30-40 seconds and repeat.
- Remember to keep hips squared.
Single Leg Straddle - Sit with the upper body upright and your legs spread as far apart as possible.
- Lean to the side towards one leg and reach out to grab your foot.
- Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat to the other